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What to Do When the Heat Goes Out

Sleeping with the windows open or turning the temperature down at night can be great.  I love curling up under the covers in the winter.  Unfortunately, when my room is chilly, I do not like getting out of bed in the morning.  Usually a quick fix of closing the window or setting the thermostat a little higher will work, but what about those mornings when your home is freezing and will not warm up?  That could mean that your furnace is broken which can be scary, cold, and even dangerous.

Depending on whether or not you have a maintenance plan such as a Gold Plan, with a HVAC company, having a technician come out to look at your furnace can be expensive.  Here are few things to check on your own first, before calling the furnace company.

  • Check your furnace to make sure that it is set to “heat.”  If it is not, simply set it to heat and wait and see if your home starts to warm up.
  • Check your electrical panel to make sure that you did not blow a fuse or that a breaker did not trip.  If you find that one of these is the problem, you can reset the circuit breaker or replace the fuse.
  • Check to make sure that your pilot light has not gone out or also that the gas valve is not shut off in which case you can re-light the pilot light.

It is possible that your thermostat may be the one that is broken, so try playing around with it and set it at different temperatures.  If none of these quick fixes work, or if you have any questions, please call a company such as FLAME Heating, Cooling, Plumbing and Electrical which can help restore heat to your home and also fix any electrical problems that you may have, so that you can avoid the health risks and dangers associated with a house with no heat.  Also, at FLAME, Gold Plan members receive free diagnostic calls and priority service on emergencies in order to best help you in situations such as these.

Contact FLAME for more information!

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